Azure IP Lookup

Use this tool to find Azure service tags and region details for a given IP address or domain name.

What you will get with this tool

  • Exact IP address or the domain name entered
  • Corresponding Azure Service Tag ID
  • IP address prefix associated with the Azure service
  • The specific Azure region associated with the IP
  • Details about the system service linked to the IP
  • Information on network features associated with the service tag

Frequently Asked Questions

This tool leverages Microsoft's published service tag files to map IP addresses to physical data centers and cloud services. By checking the provided IP address or domain against these files, it identifies whether the IP is part of Azure, which service tag it belongs to, and the Azure region from which it originates. The tool supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Yes, this tool supports both IPv4 and IPv6 address lookups.

You can use the GET method with the endpoint path /api/ipAddress?ipOrDomain=<ipAddressOrDomain> to query the service. Below are example URLs for performing Azure IP Lookup via API:
Lookup TypeExample URL
Domain Name
IPv4 Address
IPv6 Address

A Service Tag represents a group of IP address prefixes from Microsoft Azure services. It simplifies the security definition for network security groups and firewall rules by enabling you to allow or deny traffic for a specific Azure service without having to know the specific IP addresses utilized by that service. This makes the management of security rules more straightforward and helps ensure that traffic flows only between allowed services.

Azure updates IP range and Service Tag data weekly. Download these files for different Azure clouds from the following links:

Additional Resources

API Source Code

Explore the source code of the Azure IP Lookup API on GitHub.

View on GitHub

Service Tags Overview

Learn about Azure service tags and how they help simplify network security management.

Learn More

REST API Documentation

Access the official documentation for Azure Service Tags REST API.

View Docs

PowerShell Module

Learn how to use the PowerShell module for Azure Service Tags management.

View Module